It looks like we may have a boat and a pontoon to ferry volleyball players from the River City Beach Courts down to the makeshift volleyball court at Don Hall's/Club Soda for the D.I.D. Beach Blast. It's possible that potential golfers could be taken back to River City to try out the new putting course.

The format for the volleyball tourneys will be that pool play for each tourney will be played at River City, followed by a seeded single elimination tourney at Don Hall's/Club Soda. It should be a continous stream of players for each tourney coming "downtown" through the course of the event if it goes to plan.
Everyone I talked to so far that is playing wants to ride down... so I don't know if everyone can be accomodated at this time.
ferrys in ftw? I thought we had plenty of them. giggle!
Water Taxis? what a radical idea. How about gondolas? with operatic operators?
maybe we could have watercraft races? and sell tickets. its not the Madison Hydroplane event, but then again, the Maumee is no Ohio River.
So have you filed all your proper permits with the DNR? do You need approval from the City to operate a water Taxi service? Coast Guard inspected? Army coprs of engineers navigalbe waterways?
And hope the river water soenst melt you legs off, from some exotic flesh eating fungus. ick!
So can we play hand-held wal-mart poker games, on board? and drink beer from aluminum cans only? And what ovf the smoking ban? hate to see cigarette butts fouling the river banks, and killing all the carp, and river rats.
Make sure you follow all 82(!!!) pages of the city code book, and al local, state, and federal regulations for operating a business.
FTW- dontcha love it?
observe all laws, voide where prohibited. dont drink and drive .08- its the law.
So If I drink at river city, and live down the way, can I get a shuttle ride home, so I can obey all laws to the letter, as written til changed?
just wondering. ARRRG!
...looking to have an amateur stand-up comedy night on September 15th. Maybe you can come and try out some of your "material". You may find that it NEEDS SOME WORK! {giggle}
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