Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sandbagging Fun

Sandbagging Fun from fairplaybeach on Vimeo.

If a person, or a couple, is looking for something to do this weekend maybe sandbagging is an answer. At least for a short stint it's actually kind of fun. They feed you pizza, cookies and provide music part of the time. And the people who receive the sandbags certainly appreciate it.

Bring someone with you, although maybe you'll run into someone you know if you don't, or someone who knows someone you know. In my case I ran into someone from Decatur who was just passing through. It turns out he was a neighbor of my brother back in July of 2003 when part of Parkview Drive by Kekionga Park at the St. Mary's got rubbed out by a flood. He was just glad to volunteer because of people who sandbagged for him back in 2003.

I'm not sure if they still need volunteers but if they do, the building at 1701 Lafayette Street that you want to find would be the one closer to downtown... on the North side of the property. You can shovel, tie, hold bags open, or move them out. I learned 3 shovel fulls is the right amount for a bag.

I didn't realize most of the people there (early part of my video) when I got there were city employees. In the evening more regular citizens started coming in. A parent with kids wasn't an unusual sight.

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